Class: Bracy 06 |
MWF 10:00 - 10:50 am* Taught by Bob Ekey |
MasteringPhysicsID: |
ekey40644 | ||
Lab: Bracy
142 Sections 1-2 |
Th, 8:10-11:00 am Prof. Roy McCullough |
Th, 12:30-3:20 pm Prof. Julie Butler |
Office hours: See the assignments
page for current times.
You set the agenda for office hours. Come with questions about
the lecture, laboratory, reading, homework, exams, grading, or
anything else of concern or interest. Attend in groups or as an
individual. If you would like to discuss something in private,
please make a separate appointment. When multiple people are
present, people will alternate asking questions. If I am not in my
office during office hours, check my white board for a note of
where we are - typically we will meet in the intro physics
labs (Bracy 141 or 142).
Textbook/MasteringPhysics: Physics for Scientists
and Engineers with Modern Physics: A Strategic Approach, 5th
edition, by Randall D. Knight (2022, Pearson/Addison Wesley,
ISBN 9780134110561). With the Raider Ready program, you have
already purchased access to the course materials. Head to
course page on Desire2Learn (D2L) and
under the content tab look for the Ebook/Etext folder and follow
the instructions. For Phy101, the MasteringPhysics course ID is
ekey63958. Please note that you must have access to it by
the first day of classes. The site for MasteringPhysics
will provide access to a digital text, online content and online
problems. MasteringPhysics and the accompanying online text will
be used for both Phy101 and Phy102, assuming you take it in the
next semester.
Lecture Notes: The
lecture notes are a critical tool for your learning experience and
are required for class. They contain a summary of the
relevant theories and related problems which will be attempted in
class. They are available for download on the assignments
page. The lecture notes for the current week will be posted
no later than 9 PM Sunday of the week in question.
You are required to bring the
lecture notes to class.
Content: We will study kinematics, force and motion, work and energy, momentum and collisions, gravity, thermodynamics, rotational motion and oscillations. The course will follow the tentative schedule shown on the assignments page. The assignments page will be updated regularly; you should check it often for reading and homework assignments as well as for adjustments to the schedule. Additional assignments and content will be posted on MasteringPhysics and the D2L page for this course.
Please read each assigned
section before coming to lecture.
Phy101N is a Natural Sciences Foundation Course in the Integrated Core.
Goals: I hope to
expand your knowledge of physics and how it relates to the world,
further develop your analytical, conceptual and critical thinking
skills and enable you to apply physics to real life and
qualitative situations. I also hope you find at least one
concept or application that excites or intrigues you.
Expectations: I expect you to engage the material,
your peers and me both in and out of class and lab in physics
related conversations. I do not expect you to love math in
all of its intricacies but do expect you to have an understanding
of algebra, trigonometry and geometry. An understanding of
calculus will help, but is not required. When problems with
math arise I expect you to seek assistance. You may find
this course challenging and fast paced, but as long as you work
diligently, you will succeed.
I do expect you to abide by the honesty code as described in the Student Handbook. Failure to abide by these rules may cause you to receive an “F” in this course.
This course also shares the common syllabus elements posted on
Accessibility: The University of Mount Union values disability as an important aspect of diversity and is committed to providing equitable access to learning opportunities for all students. Student Accessibility Services (SAS) is the campus office that collaborates with students who have disabilities to provide and/or arrange reasonable accommodations based upon appropriate documentation, nature of the request, and feasibility. If you have, or think you have, a temporary or permanent disability and/or medical diagnosis in any area such as, physical or mental health, attention, learning, chronic health, or sensory, please contact SAS. The SAS office will confidentially discuss your needs, review your documentation, and determine your eligibility for reasonable accommodations. Accommodations are not retroactive, and the instructor is under no obligation to provide accommodations if a student does not request accommodation or provide documentation. Students should contact SAS to request accommodations and should discuss their accommodations with their instructor as early as possible in the semester. You may contact the SAS office by phone at (330) 823-7372; or via e-mail at
Students will be held responsible for all course materials missed
due to class absences. Laboratory attendance is mandatory
and unexcused absences are not acceptable and will result in
failure of the course. If an emergency or catastrophe will
prevent you from attending class or lab, or turning in an
assignment, please notify me of your situation PRIOR to the event in
question when possible. Reasonable and documented excuses
will enable missed work or labs to be completed post
When multiple lecture sections of the course exist, you are
required to attend the lecture that you are assigned and you must
take the exam in the lecture you are assigned.
Exams: There will be three in-class exams during the
semester, with a comprehensive final exam. All exams will be
closed book. When there are two sections of lecture, you are
required to attend the lecture section you are assigned for all
exams. Failure to take an exam at your assigned section will
result in earning a "zero" on the exam. Discussion of exams
among those that have taken an exam and those that have not is
forbidden. These exam discussions are considered cheating and will
be treated appropriately.
Usually there will be one multi-part homework assignment due each
week. A typical assignment will contain questions assigned
on MasteringPhysics,
from the end of the relevant chapter(s) and/or occasionally
related questions of my own design. Questions will be a
combination of multiple choice, short answer conceptual questions
and traditional physics problems. Homework questions and due
dates are posted on the Physics 101 assignments
webpage. Your completed online problems and written
solutions to the homework questions are due by 4 PM on the due
date (usually Tuesday).
You are required to complete each problem correctly on MasteringPhysics.
Each completed problem earns 1 point, regardless of how many
attempts you make or hints you explore. Please write out your
problems to the best of your ability, but you are not required to
turn in this work. It is suggested to complete this portion prior
to the written portion of the homework, as it is meant as a
preparation for the written problems.
The written portion of the assignment may be turned any time
prior to the deadline using the dropbox setup on the Phy101 D2L
course page. The images/scans of your work should be at a
reasonable file size/resolution that they can be easily
read. Assignments turned in after the due date will not
accepted, but can be turned in for feedback.
Written Homework Guidelines (these are useful suggestions for
your work on the online portion of the homework as well)
- Justify your answer, show your work or provide discussion,
don't just write down the answer.
- Use 1 side of the paper
- Keep problems organized
- Write legibly
- Make sure it is clear what your answer is... box, highlight or
bold face your answer, it is up to you.
All Homework will be graded and returned in a timely manner.
To help achieve this goal it is not practical to grade all of the
problems for content. I do expect you to attempt all of the
assigned problems, as homework is an important source for learning
this material. Each written assignment will be graded for
completeness with 1 point given for each problem that has been
attempted. Four problems from each assignment will be chosen
to be graded for content, which will be each be graded on a 0-3
point scale.
Rough definitions of scores:
0 - You wrote something, but missed
the main point and/or didn't show your work.
(note that you still receive one point for completeness
for this effort)
1 - You sort-of understand what’s going on, but made a major
(algebra error, multiple minor mistakes, right thought
wrong equation... etc.)
2 - You understand what’s going on, but made a minor mistake.
(units, calculation error, significant figures....
3 - Perfect, Great, Nice Work.
Once the written homework is graded and feedback returned,
solutions will be posted on the assignments
webpage. For each assignment, the overall grade will be the sum of
the MasteringPhysics and written problems completed and the points
for problems graded for content. Your lowest homework
assignment grade will be dropped from your final homework
Laboratory: The laboratory is a required part of this
course. Lab work will be a group effort. Lab
assignments must represent the reporting and analysis skills of
each student. These assignments provide an opportunity
to write and speak about the laboratory experience and should
increase your understanding of the scientific method, conceptual
understanding and problem solving skills. A scientific
calculator that has logarithms, trigonometric and exponential
functions should be brought to all labs (and classes).
Students are required to document their laboratory experience and
the assignments represent your individual understanding of the
concepts, experiments, results and conclusions. The lab assignment
is due at the start of your next lab, unless indicated there is no
digital submission to D2L.
Further details of the laboratory requirements will be provided
in lab.
Written and Oral Communication
(WOC): A significant component of a Foundational
Knowledge course is written and oral communication, and it is
important in physics to not just have the right answer but to be
able to explain it. You will be expected to provide written
descriptions of theory, experiments and results within your
homework and laboratory assignments and engage in peer discussion
in lecture, lab and elsewhere. To fulfill the Writing and
Oral Communication requirements, one written and one oral
assignment will be required based on your laboratory
experiences. Details for preparing these assignments will be
provided when the content related to the assignments is begun.
You are required to upload samples of writing and oral
communication from this Foundational Knowledge course to
Desire2Learn. While completing the oral assignment(s) in
class or lab, you will need to provide an SD card to save the
recording of your presentation(s). Your instructor will
assist you in the development and assessment of the assignments;
however the instructor is not responsible for uploading the files
nor providing an SD card to save the recording.
Your total homework grade will be the average grade (minus the
lowest grade) for all assignments.
Your total exam grade will be 10% for test 1, 15% for test 2 and 3
and 20% for the final.
Your total lab grade will be the average grade of your lab
assignments (including WOC assignments).
Straight percentages will be given for all work, with the mid-semester and final grade based on overall class performance. Other considerations will influence your final grade including, class participation, class and laboratory attendance, and seeking timely guidance during office hours. Any student achieving at a level of 'C-' or below will be given an estimated grade on their mid-term deficiency grade report.
Collaboration, AI &
Cheating: You are encouraged to collaborate with one
another on the homework and lab assignments, but you must write up
your answers separately and in your own words. Copying
solutions (fellow classmates, the books, previous versions of the
course, those found on the internet, generated by AI or... etc) is
considered cheating and unacceptable, and will result in no credit
for the assignment, a trip to the academic dean and possible
failure of the course. These scores cannot be dropped nor
replaced in your grade average. For additional help and
discussion on the homework or laboratory assignments please see me
or your lab instructor. Cheating on a test results in
immediate failure of the course and a trip to the academic dean.